2011年9月12日- 9月19日,在同济大学设计创意学院,交互计算机图形学专家,计算机艺术先锋和艺术家,德国不莱梅大学及不莱梅艺术大学教授,弗里德·纳柯(Frieder Nake)教授来我院为数字媒体方向的学生进行为期一周的研讨课和工作坊,期间Frieder Nake教授还为全院学生作了名为“徒手绘画和程序绘画——论计算机艺术”公共讲座。研讨部分将就计算艺术,数字艺术,随机数字,符号和符号学,交互艺术等主题进行讨论,工作坊中同学们进行了基于Processing的创意编程设计创作实践。
12 Sep.- 19 Sep. 2011 at College of Design & Innovation , Tongji University. Frieder Nake is a professor of interactive computer graphics and digital media in Bremen, Germany. He is one of the pioneers of computer art with his first exhibition in 1965. His academic positions were Stuttgart (Germany), Toronto, Vancouver (Canada) and Bremen (Germany). He has been visiting professor or researcher at University of Vienna, University of Oslo, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Aarhus (Denmark), Northwest Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xian (Shaanxi, China), International School of New Media at Lübeck (Germany), University of Basel (Switzerland), Danube-University Krems (Austria), University of Costa Rica. He is prime investigator of compArt | Center of Excellence Digital Art (http://compart-bremen.de).
Lecture: Drawing by hand and by program. Remarks about computer art.