CUMULUS(国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟)2010年大会于9月7日下午2:00在上海音乐厅隆重开幕。来自全世界近百所设计艺术院校的约300名代表们出席了本次开幕式。大会开场首先由同济大学设计创意学院的学生们为与会嘉宾送上了一场融合了多媒体、肢体艺术等舞台表现形式的演出,名为“交流的极限”(Ultimate Communication)。同学们经过将近一个月的排练时间,从零开始学习如何用肢体语言来创造“身体剧场”的空间艺术,并结合所掌握的影像设计和装置设计的技能,利用多种媒介来呈现交流与融和的时空观念。
CUMULUS (international art, design and media institutions alliance) conference on September 7, 2010, 2:00pm grand opening in Shanghai concert hall. From all over the world of design art colleges in about 300 delegates attended the opening ceremony. Conference opening first by the design institute of tongji university students for the guests to a blend of the multimedia, body art and other forms of stage, called the limit of "Communication" (Ultimate Communication). Students after nearly a month of rehearsal time, started learning how to use body language to create "theatre" space art, combined with the knowledge of image design and device design skills, using a variety of media to present communication from the harmony idea of space and time.