"Light vs Darkness" / Reactive Objects”是由德国新媒体设计公司WHITEvoid和加拿大软件开发公司Derivative联合指导的,在同济大学设计学院进行的互动媒体装置设计工作坊。此次工作坊的初衷是探索互动装置对于“光明与黑暗”主题的演绎
本工作坊的技术目标是让学生们通过实践了解到当代互动媒体设计的不同可能性,学生们在创作中需要学习各种传感器与人的动作行为进行互动的方法,最终成品可以是基于屏幕的、也可以是基于投影或是声音作品。所使用到的核心软件是“Touch Designer”,这是一款由Derivative公司开发的互动设计软件平台。
下列这些是在工作坊中可被学生们选择使用的设备和元件,它们包括:WHITEvoid Arduino套装盒“PLUG-BUG”、三轴加速度传感器、近程距离传感器、远程距离传感器、触模式电容传感器、运动传感器、按钮开关,以及用于捕捉人体运动姿势的微软Kinect摄像头传感器。PLUG-BUG元件是由德国柏林的新媒体设计公司WHITEvoid加工制作的,这一设备的特色是在Arduino面板和传感器以及电脑之间实现更为简易的插接方式,以设计出便捷可把控的装置系统。
德国新媒体设计公司WHITEvoid官网:http://www.whitevoid.com / http://www.derivative.ca
Nov.21-Nov.27,2011 at College of Design & Innovation , Tongji University
"Light vs Darkness" Interactive Design Workshop,is an Interactive Media Design Workshop by guest professor from German media design company WHITEvoid and Canadian software developer Derivative,in College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University.
The task for this workshop is to create reactive objects that use the elements of light and darkness to stimulate and simulate human feelings. This can be done by building a new object, use existing objects and enhance them with new functions or overlay and augment the real world with a digital layer.
The technical aim of this workshop is to give the students a general
understanding of the possibilities and directions in contemporary interaction design. The students will learn about the different kinds of sensors to detect human interaction for implementation in a software environment. The final output can be screen based, projected or audible.
The main software being used is called “Touch designer”, it’s an interactive design environment developed by Derivative. Markus is one of the developers of Touch Designer and the expert in media installation design. He’s in charge of the software tutorial and technical support during the workshop.
Here are the devices that could be optionally used by students in workshop,include: WHITEvoid Arduino box "PLUG-BUG", TriAxial Acceleration Sensor, Distance Sensor Short Range,Distance Sensor Long Range,Touchless capacitive sensor,Motion Sensor,2 Button Switches,Microsoft Kinect Camera for Skeleton and Gesture Detection.
PLUG-BUG was developed and produced at WHITEvoid interactive art&design in Berlin. The main purpose of the box is the easy to use and straight forward plug and play system between sensors, the Arduino and a computer.
It provides the opportunity to use Arduino and its sensors in a very simple way.
The 7 days workshop was very intensively with lecture, applicational tutorial and designing parts, finished with the final exhibition of 5 media installations by 20 students participants in teamworks.