Arduino开源硬件创始人Massimo Banzi的同济大学讲座于2013年10月18日周五下午两点整在同济大学中芬中心举办,演讲主题:开源之创意体验 (Open Sourcing Innovation)。
Massimo Banzi是Arduino创始人之一。他是一个交互设计师、教育家和开源硬件支持。他曾作为顾问为客户如:普拉达、Artemide,Persol,惠而浦,V&A博物馆和阿迪达斯。
Open Sourcing Innovation lecture by Massimo Banzi at 2pm on October 18, 2013 at Sino-finish Center.
Massimo Banzi is the co-founder of the Arduino project. He is an Interaction Designer, Educator and Open Source Hardware advocate. He has worked as a consultant for clients such as: Prada, Artemide, Persol, Whirlpool, V&A Museum and Adidas.