“Fly On the Wall”: Tongji-Parsons Interactive Joint Class
该项目由Parsons设计学校媒体艺术与技术学院创始人及前院长Sven Travis教授带队Parsons教学梯队,由我院张屹南老师带队同济教学梯队,已于2013年上半年策划组建成了一支跨越上海和纽约的数字媒体国际教学队伍,已于同年秋季学期正式开出课程。“Fly on The Wall”数字互动设计课,旨在探索用openFramworks创意编程平台以及其它网络通讯技术创造可以远距离操控的数字媒体装置的课题。课程在秋季学期全程通过网络互动连线同济与Parsons,实现上海与纽约的联合授课和课题合作模式。
课程中利用Adobe Connect网络视频会议软件系统作为联合授课的基础软件平台,该软件系统可以同时分屏幕多视角交流,并能实时进行无损的幻灯片演示等,以Canvas在线文件共享系统作为学生作业以及教师课件的实时共享空间,以github.com网络平台作为教学课件代码的发布和更新空间。
D&I, Tongji Students and faculty worked with students and faculty from AMT, Parsons in NewYork to design and build experimental art and design installations that being monitored from halfway around the world.It’s a fundamental class for Interactive Media Design and Generative Design.
We installed sensors, controllers, and robots within laboratory research environments in New York and Shanghai. OpenFrameworks, as well as other relevant technologies, were used in this project. We investigated the nature of distance communication and cross-cultural collaboration. What are the rules? What do we define as successful interaction? Are we achieving a reasonable understanding? New York installations occured in Parsons 12FL (6E16) Lab, controlled by the Tongji team (from China). In China, installations live in Tongji’s vast new interactive experimental media facility, and being controlled by Parsons students (from New York). The installations were managed via a web interface, which we designed and implemented in the course.
Leading Professor: Sven Travis , the former dean of School of Art Media and Technology of Parsons The New School for Design, and founder of Design & Technology department in Parsons.
Teacher from Tongji: Zhang Yinan.