从Jürg Neuenschwander 2009年开始到同济大学设计创意学院担任客座教授起就和他相识并一直合作。他最初的自我介绍使人印象深刻,“我来自瑞士的一个小村落,我的父亲是一位乡村教师”,这也许是他同时作为一名职业纪录片导演需要迅速拉近和陌生人关系的职业习惯使然。虽然当时Juerg刚刚五十出头,但因他一头浅色趋白的头发被学生在私底下爱称为“瑞士老爷爷”。在随后的这些年中,他陆续组织了同济和他来中国之前工作的学校瑞士伯尔尼艺术大学之间的联合工作坊,其中涉及了远程教育、音乐视觉表演、跨文化设计和跨专业研讨会等等。
The years during which Jürg Neuenschwander spent most of his time in China were the years after the Olympic Games, which marked a turning point in China’s relationship with the West. It was no longer a case of simply importing technology, but about collaborating. And it was no longer a case of out-and-out shanzhai – i.e. copying – but about optimizing functionalities. It was also no longer a time of Chinese brands being bought up, but of independent Chinese brands beginning to establish themselves. These are precisely the changes that Neuenschwander captures in his latest documentary, The Chinese Recipe – Bold and Smart.
The film is concerned with entrepreneurship. It dissects the lives and future ideas of people from three generations: an engineer born after 1950 who, after going through those difficult years, managed to turn things around and founded a Sino-Swiss joint venture for feed production; a small-scale businessman born after 1970 who began manufacturing audio equipment more or less out of necessity, and who is now completely wrapped up in his career; and a group of makers born after 1990 who are filled with optimism and want to seize their chance by using their startup to develop a drone.
The director’s eye for detail means that he also captures, almost as if in passing, other people who inhabit the same space as the three protagonists: a customer who buys machines from the feed-mill company and who is a successful businessman in his own right; the mother of the amp-maker who is a cleaner and cashier rolled into one; and the international partners of the makers who live in far-off Guiyang and are inspired by Western technological idealism and a philosophy of sharing. For a viewer born in China after 1970, these real-life people and their environments seem both familiar and strange because they appear in a documentary made by a Swiss director with a profound knowledge of China.
With a great deal of empathy tinged with optimism, the director shows the very real lives of Chinese people who are utterly at home in the shanzhai culture of imitation that is so heavily criticized by the West but has such a long cultural tradition in China. The question of how progress can be made within the confines of the West’s strict patent system is no longer only relevant to China; it is now an issue that all innovative thinkers will have to address. In any case, a Chinese society with pluralistic values is emerging, and this documentary opens our eyes to entrepreneurship, Chinese-style.
WU, Jie
On the way to Helsinki,
Dec. 09, 2015
More information about the film and the director: